Q. 1. How long are shipping times?
A - We have many Items that are shipped Internationally, and in the USA. Product shipped in the USA will take 5 - 10 days from the date of the order.
Products shipped from our International Distributor will ship within five days of your order, and then from that point, it takes 10 - 20 days to reach your doorstep.
Q. 2. What's your return policy?
A. Please be sure to check your order before you purchase.
Be sure to check the size, color, or spelling, once the shirt / order has been
Approved by you, we are unable to accept Returns, Exchanges, or Refunds.
Q. 3. Can I cancel my order?
A. Cancellations are possible must be done within 24 hours of order..
The order must be cancelled before we ship.
Please be sure of your Order, before placing the order.
Please send us an email ASAP, we will verify the status of the order, and respond to you ASAP.
Q. 4. What happens if I receive the wrong item?
A. If there’s an issue with your order -- if it’s the wrong size, wrong color, or otherwise not exactly what you wanted, (If the order was our mistake we will honor an exchange as long as it was not Opened, Worn, and all tags must be in place.-- then simply notify us. ASAP!
Q. 5. Do you offer exchanges?
A. We do not offer exchanges.